It's week three and I'm still doing my workouts in the pool. I've explained to my friends that 'Injured Amanda' is quite similar to a ' Bipolar Amanda'. My mood is all over the place. Up down up down up DOWN!!!
I have thought to myself, " Thank god I got this foot injury, it's giving me time to heal and rest my back. Before I know it, I'll be back roller skiing in no time!"
2 MINS LATER..........................
" Why did this happen?!!!!! All I want to do is just train normally and not have to worry about an injury! EVERY YEAR IS SOMETHING NEW!!!!" WAAAAAAAA!
So with this comes a mental break from the sport :)
Thankfully Christopher Butler is a major boss and a total sweetheart. He took me camping over the weekend, didn't judge when I said I didn't want to train at all, and was extremely understanding.
It's hard to turn the 'training brain' off, and I'm extremely bad at it....but I knew I needed it. I mean, why train if you're just going to hate every minute of it? That's not why I do sport, and when the word HATE comes into play, it usually means that I need a little break.
Pump! Pump Pump it up!!
Fishing :)
Caught myself two little fishes. One brook and one brown trout :)
Skipping rocks like a boss!
Meanwhile, the other Ninja's have been doing great!
One of Zoe's many best friends came to visit her from Bend, OR. So Zoe made sure to show her a great Canmore time, which included climbing, hiking, sunset watching on Ha Ling, and even line dancing!!
Zoe, Matea and Chandra after a beauty hike.
Alana's back has been doing much better these days! She's been able to do classic intensity, mountain biking and ski striding!!
The weekend revived me, and Monday brought a positive attitude towards the pool. Today I did intensity and I actually quite enjoyed myself. I've even been able to see improvements with my times!
What's most important, is that I've got so many great friends checking up on me and keeping me positive :)
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